Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Hibernate Named Query with Aggregate function

Code for executing Native SQL Query.

Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
Query query = session.createSQLQuery(
"SELECT sum(hsd_plt_veh) as hsd_plt_veh,sum(randmCost) as randmCost"+
 "from expenses_profit where monthk=:mon and yeark=:yr");
 .setParameter("mon", 1) 
.setParameter("yr", 2014);
Object obj=return query.uniqueResult(); 

When we use Native SQL it returns an object.


If we need column names along with the Object use below code.

Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
Query query = session.createSQLQuery(
"SELECT sum(hsd_plt_veh) as hsd_plt_veh,sum(randmCost) as randmCost"+
 "from expenses_profit where monthk=:mon and yeark=:yr");
.setParameter("mon", 1) 
.setParameter("yr", 2014); 
Map<String, String> expensesProfits =(Map<String, String>) query.uniqueResult();
//contains column names and values
List<Map<String,Object>> aliasToValueMapList=query.list(); 
If we use 
 .addEntity(Cost.class) ;
All checks for all columns in the table in query.
Suppose id is 1st column if we dont mention in query 
It gives following error.
ERROR org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - Column 'id' not found. 


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